Bluestem Wellness Centers Donate 410 lb of Items
The Bluestem Wellness Centers in Hesston and North Newton collected over 400 pounds of food and personal hygiene products during their Food Drive for Fitness promotion this past January. This was the second time the fitness centers collected items in conjunction with their January membership drive.
The collected items were donated to the Hesston Resource Center and the Bethel College Food Pantry. The Hesston Resource Center serves community members in need of food and personal hygiene products. The Bethel College Food Pantry, which opened this past November, provides food for lowincome and nontraditional students of Bethel College.
Jason Jones, director of Bluestem Wellness, would like to thank the community for their participation. “We had a large amount of people bring in donations throughout the month of January,” said Jones. “It was even more than last year.” As part of their January membership drive, the Bluestem Wellness Centers committed to donating an item for every new or renewed member they had join during the month. “We ended up have having a total of 85 new and renewed memberships between our two locations. We definitely consider that a success since our goal was 50,” explained Jones. “And it was 20 more members than last year.”
Bluestem Wellness leadership bought their matching items from the North Dillion’s on Main St. in Newton, which donated gift cards to the Bethel College Food Pantry and Hesston Resource Center. The Bluestem Wellness Centers serve over 1200 members and contribute their success to the friendly feel of their centers.
“Members love the tight-knit community we offer. We are small and people know your name. It is great for accountability and the perfect environment for reaching your wellness goals,” said Jones.
Thanks to all who donated food to the cause!
Read more in The Kansan.